Turn weather data into operational solutions
30, rue de Metz
Phone: +33 (0)6 47 08 56 41
Email: info@weatherforce.org
Website: www.weatherforce.org
WeatherForce was created in 2016 by two former experts of the Météo France group, based on an observation: it is not normal that still today some countries do not have access to weather information and that in other countries the economic actors have access to a large amount of data but are not able to synthesize it to make the right decisions.
WeatherForce’s mission?
Deliver simple and contextualized weather-intelligent solutions actionable all around the world.
We add value to raw weather data by transforming it into indicators customized to our clients’ activities. It’s not about forecasting the weather, but about developing operational solutions that allow for immediate and simplified decision making.
These solutions are designed with a modular approach so that they can address the issues of multiple players within the same industry.
Their technical realization is based on our collaborative weather intelligence platform. It is on this platform that we store and process all the data necessary to develop our personalized indicators.
Our WiFor solutions for weather-sensitive companies are currently marketed in mature weather services markets, mainly in Europe.
WiForCrop solutions are related to the agribusiness sector, with its often distinctive characteristics and expectations. WiForSales and WiForMarket solutions are multi-sectoral – they can just as easily be applied to cosmetics companies, retail companies, etc., as long as their activity is weather-sensitive.
WiForSales is a solution designed for sales and operational marketing teams to help them anticipate the impact of weather on their activities and thus boost sales performance through better inventory management, a better sales pitch or a better choice of product placement areas.
WiForCrop is a solution to improve the management of activities related to agricultural production (harvest quality anticipation, risk control, resources optimization…) thanks to weather and business indicators adapted to each concerned crop.
In addition to the WiFor solutions that we market mainly in Europe, we also address countries with more limited access to weather information via our Weather Ecosystem approach. In this case, there is a strong will for us to develop a collaboration with the national institutions of the concerned countries (especially the National Met Services) in order to strengthen their capacities and to assert their role towards the local populations.