The latest edition of the Meteorological Technology World Expo will take place in Amsterdam from October the 10th till the 12th. Several members of PROMETEO will be present in order to present their products and services. The association will also take advantage of this event...

On June the 6th till the 8th, several members from PROMETEO as well as a representative from Météo-France will be traveling to India to participate to a symposium organized in collaboration with Business France in order to present the French offer in the field of...

Several members from PROMETEO will exhibit in Singapore during InterMET Asia from March the 21st till the 22nd. Cimel Electronique, Degreane Horizon, Leosphere, Meteomodem and Météorage will welcome you at their booth and invite you to the conferences they will contribute to. The detailed program is available...

A Leosphere Windcube 100S is currently being operated by KOPRI (Korea Polar Research Institute) for Arctic atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) wind measurement, as required research activity for weather and climate prediction project of KOPRI. KOPRI is the one and only organization in South Korea which is...

The National Environment Agency (NEA) from Singapore has just awarded MFI for a contract concerning the supply and the implementation of a climate data management system. In collaboration with our local partner WinSys, we will be providing the NEA with our climate solution CLISYS. Thanks to...

Météorage is offering Visiofoudre World to visitors of its institutional website since January 12th, 2017. A service accessible from the homepage and which allows live viewing of the lightning activity around the world: : 4 levels of zoom : From a general overview to a targeted view,...

After 8 years of dedicated and loyal services, Mr. Michel Pousse, MFI’s Vice-president and president of the association since 2008 has resigned from his position to move on to other activities. Last December, PROMETEO members took advantage of being gathered in Argentina for a sales event...

On December the 5th and 6th, twelve members from PROMETEO will be traveling to Argentina to participate to a symposium organized in collaboration with Business France in order to present the French offer in the field of meteorology. Representatives from the main meteorological services in the...

The latest edition of the Meteorological Technology World Expo will take place in Madrid from September the 27th till the 29th. Several members of PROMETEO will be present in order to present their products and services. The association will also take advantage of this event...

An International Sales Executive position is available at STERELA, innovative SMEs specialized in the design of electronic solutions, mechatronics and software. French leader in automatic weather stations for synoptic and marine observation networks, STERELA is looking for an Export Sales Executive in the context of its...